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Everything posted by CassieJ

  1. I think this place is a good alternative to HHPlace. While I love HHPlace, it really isn't a mainstream site. It has cross dressers and transgender members and the like (I cross sometimes too). This site is really for regular guys (straight or gay) that think heels should be a MALE fashion choice. Acceptance will come from sites like this before a site like HHPlace. Therefore, it has its place separate from other heel sites.
  2. Welcome to the site! Cassie
  3. Glad to see more people here. Welcome! Cassie [url=http://fetishforhighheels.com]
  4. I had the domain for a few months and hadn't done anything with it. Decided to use it for my blog which is my view on men wearing heels in public and private. I am the Carrie Bradhaw of men so I believe it probably reaches the level of fetish for me...not necessarily sexual though. A fetish is defined as any compulsion that rises to the level of affecting your normal activities (or something like that). Heels definitely affect my entire life. They can distract me from anything else going on. Cassie
  5. Where is everyone? The board stats show 4 people browsing but no one has posted in weeks. Let's see some posts about your heeling adventures and the new shoes you just bought. I just got some gorgeous Guess 5" sandals with a lace up T-strap. Black shoe with white heel and T-strap (with black shoelace). Cassie [url=http://fetishforhighheels.com]
  6. I hope you get to where my wife and I are. She loves heels as much as I do and has encouraged me to wear them, recently in public. I have owned and worn heels in private since before we met. I own over 40 pair, mostly strappy stilettos and the like. Just before Halloween 07 I started wearing my black 5" (with 1" platform) patent mary janes. I wore them all the time at home and out for walks around our neighborhood (2 mile route we walk almost nightly). I wore them (very aprehensively) to the Halloween store and then, the mall. I fugured I would tell anyone that asked that they were for halloween and I was getting used to them (true). My wife pushed me to go places in them I was not comfortable...no one noticed and when they did, it was positive. Halloween was 3 different parties on 3 different days...I did all 3 in full drag and had no problems wearing the heels for over 8 hours at a time. Since, I have been wearing them out on weekends and evenings after work. My wife has bought me 5 pair since then that look like men's shoes with a heel. I would never be wearing them all the non-work time in public without my wife pushing me. She even waxed my legs and buys me skirts and dresses (I don't wear those out except on Halloween. She likes some 'kink' in our private lives.) I find it FUN to go in drag but I am not compelled like I am to wear heels. If I could pass 95% as female I would do it a lot more often cause I like it and it's fun. My wife does my makeup and is my security blanket out in public. I was thinking about going to MAC cosmetics and having them do my makeup to see if I can pass better than my wife's makeup job. I recently lost 60 pounds and really have a figure now so I would love to go out really hot. Back to wives...mine is awesome. I hope yours grows to let you follow your desires and supports you in all you do. Don't push too hard. Let her get used to it. If we can be of any help, please ask. Many here have been through the same thing with differing results. Good luck! CJ
  7. Unfortunately, you are behind the curve. My wife knew about my fascination almost from the day we met. It wasn't a far leap to me wanting to wear them and wanting her to wear them. I think that all of those little secrets that will pop up during a marrage should be discussed prior to getting married. In your case, does she know you like heels (on women)? You could approach is as a question for her. Tell her you love heels and have always wondered what it was like to walk in them. Get a pair and let her know how much you love walking in them and grow from there. You never know where it will go. She may not like it at all or she may begin to enjoy it with you. Either way, you know and can decide how to proceed from there. Good luck! CJ
  8. Sorry to hear that. Sounds like the basic questions all spouses have when it comes up. My wife knew about my heel fettish from early in our dating. Recently (after 15 years of marriage) we are both getting over the "concerned about what others think" and starting to really have some fun. Give her some time to loosen up. Small steps. CJ
  9. I prefer the feminine shoes too but in public, the boot look and chunky heels get less notice. I do wear my patent 5" mary janes with block heels in public and the patent gets some attention. I haven't been brave enough to wear stilettos out to the mall or dinner yet. Probably wouldn't be any different but who knows? I love the height so nothing less that 3.5-4" for me. I have some pics up over at HHPlace.org. Same username there for me. CJ
  10. Have fun and good luck with the wife! I wear mine out all the time with my wife and it's a great feeling. I have 3 pair of pants with 4" longer legs and barely anyone notices the shoes. When they do, it's because the notice my wife's 5" heels, then see mine cause they are looking there. Show us some pics of your shoes! CJ
  11. Thanks for the comments. I have been wearing heels for over 20 years now. Before halloween, I was wearing the shoes for my costume (Hot Topic Patent 5" block heel pumps with ribbon strap across the foot) for walks around the neighborhood at night with my wife. The loop is 2 miles so I have no endurance issues with wearing heels. Halloween, I wore them for almost 8 hours, standing for all but about an hour in the car and 15 minutes at a pizza place. My issue is, I am still very self-conscious in public. I have a pair of 4" Sketcher boots that look very much like men's boots, just with the tall block heel. I have no issues wearing them in public with my longer pants. Never had anyone even appear to think anything odd. When I sit, the entire heel is visible but no one notices (Probably checking out my wife's 5" heels and ignoring me) I have many pairs of pink, yellow, white, black and other color women's heels with everything from block heel to stiletto, open toe to sandal to pump. My pants cover the heel most of the time but the toe of the show does show. Black or yellow patent draws attention I am not quite ready for. I have worn the halloween shoes out to the mall and shopping but I am so worried about what others are thinking. At the mall, no one seemed to notice (or just ignored them) except 3 retired ladies that had a little conversation about it and kept looking. Couldn't tell if they were amused or offended. That said, I shouldn't be so afraid, but I am. The wife says "who cares...just do what you want."
  12. I was reading a story a few months ago about some studies of cross dressing and men wearing heels. They all concluded that 15-20% of men like to wear women's clothing or shoes. The part I found interesting was, almost all little boys go through a phase where they want to experiment with women's clothing and/or shoes. Little girls have the same phase but it is considered normal for a girl to do and wear 'boy' things. This leads to one of two outcomes. The parents allow it to happen, after which most grow out of the phase, or they put a stop to it. "Little boys don't wear high heels" they are told. The study showed that while some in both groups went on the do it in adulthood, a higher percentage of the boys stopped from experimenting began again as a teen or adult. It was a substantial increase. Wish I could find it again. Google has too many hits on heels, men and such. CJ
  13. My wife has known about my high heel (must be over 3.5") addiction for over 18 years. I wear them in private almost daily and have almost 40 pair. My wife often buys me shoes, sometimes matching shoes she is buying. Recently, she has been encouraging me to go out in public in them. I have a pair of 4" (with 1/2" platform) Skechers that look like a mens boot, just with a high block heel. I have some new jeans with longer legs that will cover my heels but let the toes peak out on the front. I have no apprehension about wearing them in public at all. I have some black 5" patent heels that I got at Hot ToPic for my Halloween costume (Goth Chick) and I have worn them in public several times leading up to halloween. They have a block heel, not a thin stiletto. Most people don't even notice and no one has ever said anything negative to me. Some retired women at the mall were talking among themselves, obviously about my shoes. I am still VERY apprehensive about wearing my obviously female shoes in public. My wife has been pushing me to just do it. My new jeans cover the heel really well but you can still see the stiletto heel peek out when I walk and the toe sticks out from the front exposing the front of the shoe, or my toes in sandals. I don't expect any negative experiences in public, but I am quite self-conscious about it. Anyone else 'stepping out' in obviously women's shoes? I just don't find the heels that look possibly like men's appealing to me. I love the feeling of walking in heels but also like the look of sexy spikes. I cannot resist a woman in sexy spike heels. Luckily for me, my wife wears them most of the time. CJ
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