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Everything posted by gjogj

  1. @FastFreddy2 It sure is a shoe with a statement. Glad you like the leggings. PM if you want more info.
  2. This tread is all about social events to meet likeminded people. I got some feed back when I asked for people willing to attend a heel meet in the Netherlands or Belgium. See that discussion here http://heels4men.net/topic/954-nlbe-meet/#comment-8068. Heel meets are events with a social character. What would make a heel meet succesfull for you and what would you require to consider attending a heel meet? I am interrested to learn your ideas.
  3. Good to read all 'issues' with regards to a heel meet. The last we al want is to offend others or get offended by the way we dress. A heel meet to my humble opinon is a social event. So it would not require the visitors to wear any heels. A you might or might not know, the BDSM world works more or less the same. These people will sometimes meet in private places and be all dressed up there. In other ocasions they meet and they are in normal clothing. They call that a 'munch'. These munches are social events where people just meet for social puposes. I avoided the word munch as i do not want to make a connection between BDSM and heels, which I just did. The meet is pure a social thing to meet like minded people. If one chooses to wear heels he/she is free to do so. provided he/she does not embarras other members of the group. Would a heel meet become a heel party, one should provide safety for all attending by means of tickets and door person checking the people who enter the venue. This tread tends to go off topic. So I would like to move this discussion to a new thread, I have just started.
  4. You are right. We tend to think with ourselves as a reference. My gf knows my shoe thing and she even does not mind me wearing them when we go out, as long as (yes there is a restriction) it looks well coordinated and we do not attact to much attention from others. I'm fine with that as I can wear and buy anythnig I like.
  5. @FastFreddy2 That might happen in the near future. I will give you a heads-up when and if it happens. Thanks for the offer.
  6. as a matter of fact i do. these are jeffey campbel Lita boots.
  7. A cool. I do have some 14 cm heels. allthough i prefer a slightly lower heel 5 to 8 cm.
  8. Yes I do. You mean pumps or stilleto heels?
  9. Hi Freddy, I wear them, mostly in private. Chelsea boots with a lower heel are worn to work. 95% of my shoes have the origin in the ladies department of a store. The rest are either designed with an unisex or male appoach. So comming back to your question I wear them and I have a small collection.
  10. Hi @Russ in boots We share the same view here. People tend to be narrow minded. I often do pick some stuff from 'the other side' and I even wear it. The funny thing is ... I get compliments. I wore a 'female' skinny jeans the other day and got a few compliments. Not a single person looked at the zip which is facing the other direction compared to the 'male' version. Being in NL and in the western part, I notice people being more laid back. Thanks for your responce by the way. When I wear this to work (photo) I will get comments. However I think it looks fine.
  11. Is anyone interested in meeting up somewhere in NL of BE or northen france (Lille)?
  12. Great tread this one. I have been on the search for leggings and shiny trousers aswel. I m not the smalest guy so I easely run into size 18. I have found some cool pairs. This is a blue biker legging from Bonprix worn together with my Orchard ankleboots. Sizes do vary as I got some from ASOS not shown here but there I fited a UK20 best.
  13. @Russ in boots I had no intention to offend you. When I reffered to ladies shoes, I was reffering to the shoes you described as "shoeh which come from the other side of the store". Lets not start a discusion about onthology here. We share a similar taste, that is important. For effenicency "ladies shoes" was used, it is shorter than "shoes from the other side of the store". In the latter case the discussion might go about the refference point to determine the other side of the store. To summarise, @Russ in boots I was not aware off your dislike in the expression, and I will refer to "ladies shoes" in a more generic way.
  14. hi welcome. size 44 here and also into boots more than sandals ;-)
  15. @bertus I am using ladies shoes for about 15 years now. I have been active on these fora on and off. mostly for the same reasn as you have . There is more versalility in ladies shoes compared to mens.
  16. Hi all, I have been lurking this board for soem time now. I have been active in the past on this board and on hhplace as wel. time to break the silence and say hi. I'm living in the Leiden area and I work as an IT consultant. I have loads of heels and womens shoes. Feel free to ask any questions. Kind regards GJOGJ
  17. Hi Puffer, I seem a new commer however, I am a dormant member of this board. Sti ou are right I have not introduced myself propprly. i will make it up to you and do so in a separate post. GJ
  18. Hello, Me being size 44/UK10 most go to special shops like Bertus does. Althoug I find Ebay also a good source. Usualy I use the german site as it gives more results. Welcome to the board Puffer. GJ
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