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    Kansas City

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  1. I was wondering what everyone thought of the heels and the otufit I'm wearing them with.
  2. Hello. i signed up for this site a while back and said hello, but the day after my monitor died on me and I haven't been back on until now. Just wanted to say hi! And I will be posting new pics for open critique
  3. Overall I kind of like it. If you worked at some night club or bar or something I could see pulling that look off. Or if you were going out to a nice bar/club to hang out maybe. Pants are a little shot thoguh it might be on pourpose like to show of the heel more. Over all I like it. If I was brave enough I would. And goodluck to hh4evr1.
  4. Thanks for the welcome! Love wearing high heels and I look forward to posting on this site and hearing from like minded people and talking about high heels and fashion choices. Will be posting more pics soon and look forward to honest constructive ctistisim. Would love to be able to have more fashion sense with heels. I just bought these http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007KG1P3S/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00. That's me in the pic. 5.5" JLO Plats I bought from a friend Love them would love opinions.
  5. Hello everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. Name is Arron. I'm a guy who loves wearing heels and am a HUGE supporter of men in heels. Looking forward to making some friends with like minded people on this site! Hopefully I fit in.
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