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Everything posted by Heelwearer24

  1. My step daughters both know and I've worn heels out with them both on odd occassions. The youngest one has worn a pair of my heels on 2 occassions that I can remember
  2. Guys I was only joking, its my warped sense of humour. Anyway I wore them once to Lakeside never agian apart from the noise I nearly went base over apex as the metal tips are so slippery on shopping centre tiled floors. It will be something quiet I promise
  3. Something high, possible the shoes in my picture as I dont think you will appreciate my metal tips stiletoes in the shopping centre drawing attention to us. Maybe even my new boots if they fit when I collect them tomorrow. Or flats if people prefer
  4. Could join you at Westfield for a couple of hours in the afternoon, would be good to meet other heel wearing like minded people
  5. Hi everyone Thought that I would take a quick moment to tell you all a bit about myself. Male 55 and have had a think about heels for as long as I can remember. I love to wear heels whenever I can, only heels I have no desires to dress as a women. I enjoy the feel of the heels under my feet. My preference is thin, slim heels although I do wear block heels which can be more approporiate when out and about. I have no issues with wearing heels in public and do so on a regular basis, to date with no real negative consequneces, yes the odd odd look, but I tend not to notice. Have met Fastfreedie from this site on a few occassions. Anyway better get back to work, hope to chat with you all more in the future.
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