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  1. Thank you for the nice welcome's! Hope to chat with some of you soon. Just added my picture. I Photoshoped 2 pictures of me in different heels together. When people ask who the "other person" is I usually tell them it's my evil twin.........lol
  2. I imagine that whatever might be "correct" right now is determined by the whims of the fashion designers. Soooooo............ hose/no hose/socks/bare/etc. ........just watch current fashion trends.
  3. Not fem at all to me. They look like "grandma'" shoes that somehow fell apart. No offense to anyone.........just my opinion.
  4. not strappy enough for me.............lol
  5. I am soooo glad to have found this forumn. I have been wearing heels for about three years now, and have become totally addicted to it! Wow, was it wierd at first trying to walk in them, but now I just scoot around in them without even thinking.........guess it just takes practice. All my heels are sandals.................toes gotta' show!...............lol. They range from 3 to 6 inches in height. Some are high heels, some are wedges............but my personal preference is "the strappier the better". Hope to meet some of you soon. I understand that I must have 5 posts in order to post pictures of them..................can't wait!
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