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Everything posted by char747

  1. I'm liking the soft towel idea. That seems to make the most sense for me so far.
  2. Who drives in heels? I've done it a little before but I'm thinking about keeping heels in the car for driving.. However I ask, what is your technique? How do you position your foot? I've asked a girl friend of mine and she says she basically rests her foot in a way where the length of the back of the heel of the shoe is laying flat on the floor of the car and she operates that way. I have a lot of shoes with a covered heel and it's a shame to scuff, scratch, or stain the heel in such a way (satin, suade, patent), but any other way I've tried results in a seriously tired leg as I'm trying to use the bottom of the toe on the pedal and keep the point of the heel on the floor. So how do all of you do it without damaging your beauties or killing your leg? I'm in a mid size car so I have limited space/ adjustment options.
  3. Posting from mobile so I don't have quote options: Fastfreddy2: The path is a good distance from the actual waterline so I should be good. Thanks though. Love4heels: That is a good idea. I do have a cute pair of flats. Red satin, on the tie they have a little jewel tied into a bow with 4 pearls dangling shortly from there. I'm doing them no justice describing them but I'll have them in my show and tell post. Eoneleg: They are a lot of fun to walk in, with a lot of added height. I like a pointed toe once in a while if the look is right. As long as its not super extreme and extends several inches past the usable toe bed.. I think that tends to look rediculous. I know a few years ago Jessica Simpson wore out that look. Now she's typically wearing a round or square toe.
  4. Welcome! I'm rowing that same boat. I'm US size 12-13 depending on brand. I'd LOVE to be a size 9 and be able to find heels anywhere.
  5. There is a lake nearby that I go walking at on a regula basis. Fairly smooth path. I would know the terrain and it would be fairly unpopulated later at night. I'm considering making this my first trial run. What shoes to wear tho?? I may have to pull them out tonight. I'd also get a chance to take more pics for show and tell!
  6. I've got a few places I could try out. I'm in a well populated area so I'm sure to be spotted unless I go at night to start.
  7. Oh that's so cool! I definitely noticed that's the style these days.
  8. oh no worries, Minnesota USA and yes a gathering
  9. sorry for the double post, internet trouble.
  10. no, no its not yeah I'm in MN. Not opposed to eventually going to a heel up. would be fun to meet other people and wear in public for technically my second time
  11. well, for now I have my profile pic as the heels I just bought took that as soon as I got home!
  12. Sure I think ill try to post some pics and any stories with them. gradually.
  13. Thanks all! I do have quite a large collection of shoes that I absolutely love; however, those were all bought online. So these red suade beauties already hold a special place in my heart as they are my first public heels.
  14. Hi everyone, oddly enough today I went shopping for heels in real life for the first time. I went to a payless a bit out of the way and it was pretty quiet, a few other people in the store and one clerk who was busy putting some new display up. (oddly enough a display of the very shoes I was there for ) http://www.payless.com/store/product/detail.jsp?catId=cat10376&subCatId=&skuId=096303100&productId=71602&lotId=096303&category=&catdisplayName=Brands I am definitely a fan of the girly style. The more pink, color, the bigger the bow, the slimmer the stiletto.. not sure why but, that's my preference. I tried on a few pairs and finally found those that I was looking for. (I am jealous of you guys blessed with smaller feet that can fit in a larger selection and availability of heels... Just putting that out there. ) So I unpacked both shoes and slipped them on and I felt very liberated being in public for the first time in high heels. I walked up and down the isle a few times to make sure they fit well and I boxed them up and made my purchase, with none other than a 15% off coupon. So That's my quick story of my first time in public with heels.. and on a deal even. also as soon as i can get the pics off my phone I will post some here. I didn't get any in the store unfortunately, was to nervous to think of it then.
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