Hi everyone, oddly enough today I went shopping for heels in real life for the first time. I went to a payless a bit out of the way and it was pretty quiet, a few other people in the store and one clerk who was busy putting some new display up. (oddly enough a display of the very shoes I was there for )
I am definitely a fan of the girly style. The more pink, color, the bigger the bow, the slimmer the stiletto.. not sure why but, that's my preference. I tried on a few pairs and finally found those that I was looking for.
(I am jealous of you guys blessed with smaller feet that can fit in a larger selection and availability of heels... Just putting that out there. )
So I unpacked both shoes and slipped them on and I felt very liberated being in public for the first time in high heels. I walked up and down the isle a few times to make sure they fit well and I boxed them up and made my purchase, with none other than a 15% off coupon. So That's my quick story of my first time in public with heels.. and on a deal even.
also as soon as i can get the pics off my phone I will post some here. I didn't get any in the store unfortunately, was to nervous to think of it then.