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Everything posted by Tech

  1. Hi Elegant This forum isnt dying, its just extremely brand new. Why not drop some ideas into the "What forums would you like to have" thread? The whole point of having a fresh forum, is that the members get to choose what forums they want to see, rather than being left with whatever a bunch of admins can think of, which allows much more creativity. I thought I would get the ball rolling with the critique forums as an idea, so how about some more ideas, then once we have all these idea's, we can turn them into forums, and enjoy it more...
  2. Welcome W&M Welcome SQ :-D Welcome Gary :-D Lets hope many more out there in the world jump on board and join in..
  3. Hey Gary Those are some really cool boots, and almost look identical but the pair with the buckle on look more "motorbiker" I think Both are pretty cool though and must have put a pretty big smile on your face christmas morning?
  4. Hey Guys How about sharing some of the great sayings and moments of wisdom you have heard from others or came up with yourself? I'll start with this one...
  5. Hiya Nige That might be worth adding to the links section and writing a bio of the store in the description of the link etc?
  6. Excellent, cheers for that nige, and well pointed out too, there are tons of websites that cover all the other "fluff" so does anybody have any ideas on what forums they would like to see? Categories of......?
  7. Hi Elegant Why not avoid that whole area completely simply because its already covered on other websites and come up with something different, something new?
  8. Hi Elegant Didnt you want to keep your username the same as the other website?
  9. Dear All As this is a brand new forum, here is your chance to throw down some ideas and decide what forums YOU would like to have instead of having them decided for you. Just tell the team what forum categories you would like to see and its benefits and it should be created for you to use... So, lets hear what you guys really want?
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