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  1. Hi, why don't you tell us all about this event, you never know, there could be a lot of interested people here... V
  2. Hello Fast Freddy, Was great to meet up with you, I think we have some things in common. Those boot's are excellent, reminds me of a Harley Davidson, nice with a silencer :-), but just so you.. You will have to let me know if you may be in my home town again, maybe we could do a lunch time meet up, and have a bite to eat somewhere. Thanks for making the effort to meet up :-P There are some good people out there... V
  3. Thanks Shyguy, it was good to meet up with you too, maybe we should have hung arround and met up with you and the wife later, so she could see we were normal people really.. I don't get that many oportunities to meet up, but glad we all made the effort and hope to do it again one day, I will let you know when the next oportunity is. V
  4. Hello Nigel, well external viewing them I agree with the points you have made, I am interested to know why they are so popular, are they just megga comfy, like the other end of the scale to the styles we have grown up with ? the lack of leather makes me think they are not sturdy enough for the job. V
  5. ADMIN As for ownership, NO, but maybe some favorable posts about them may make me think about it :-P.. why is the post still here then? I don't know that I can move it , can you:???:..... I was just trying to distribute new posts into different areas to keep people interested and comming back to different areas with posts, is that not what we want? I guess it's a bit like a traffic cop on a quiet country lane, he can afford to book everyone with such little traffic. Keep heeling...
  6. HI, Just wondered what peoples thought are on the UGG boots ? Good Bad or UGGly I know wht they called them UGG...
  7. OK, a bit earlier than I had planned, I may not make 09:30, but will be there as soon as I can. Will the shops be open then?, not that I plan on buying much, maybe we can make it brunch instead of lunch. Any particular meeting place in the Centre, I guess we could wander about for a couple of hours and not meet up? even with my Heel Radar on :-P Hope to see you both tomorrow... V
  8. Hi, was there a time chosen for Thursday MK meet up. I suspect I will end up wit 2hr max parking, so won't want to miss the meet up.. If we don't then just look for the man in heels :-P V
  9. Hi, sorry for the confusion, ok thursday it is at MK, what time is best for you folks? V
  10. Yep I may be able to do Westfield on Thursday if you folks are up for it, maybe get up there for lunch time, 12:00 for - 1pm - 2pm so we can make the most of the food outlet's as it seems they are the best attractions. Will probably not buy much. Let me know what you want to do, can still do mk tues/wed day if you want FF. V
  11. Well Mk's worth a visit I have seen posts where people have gone to meets and not been wearing heels ! what is all that about?. I guess you will be wearing if we meet? My avatar is an example of what I will be wearing... V
  12. Hello Nigel, I have some horse riding boots, but they are the plastic ones and get a bit hot, so I think I will have a look for some leather ones. I am sure they will be much more comfortable. Thanks for reminding me of those... V
  13. Not sure what the plans are for the xmas break, but now you come to mention it Hemel is a plan, they have a primark as well :-) but not for next week, I think I will stick to my MK plans. Just thought I may find some heels there at a good price.. V
  14. Hi HFMROK, thank you for your compliment on my fashion style. I still think the point you are trying to make is a good one that can be presented to the general public through the sites I have mentioned. I agree that you may find some people are looking specifically for fetish media, but there are many that are just shoe fanatics and are just looking for different styles or inspiration. Maybe knowing other men wear some womens styles may encourage them to join us. It would not be possible to vet everyone who visit's this or any other site, so I would not suggest it is attempted. If the fetishist finds him or herself here and does not find what they want they will probably go elsewhere anyway or see that they could wear them more often with a different approach. You need to get people through the front door, you will not get anyone comming in without a sign outside the front door saying what is on offer inside. My suggestion is to get your best pictures and post them with the references I mentioned, you may be pleasently surprised by the type and amount of people that may join us. I have nothing against the TV CD community, I think they are a brave bunch of creative people and may even be able to help us with oportunities to wear our heels in an environment that would be accepting of us, as we can be of them, when you are in a minority, we all need all the help we can get. Thanks again for your comments, those shoes of yours do look good for what you do in them. live and let live. V
  15. Hi, if you want to promore the site, try getting a flicker ipernity or webshots (free) account and post some pics, then put a reference to the web site on the comments, picture name, don't forget to tag your pictures with apropriate words, "heels for men" "heels" "shoes" "high heel shoes" etc so they can be found by someone searching for pictures of heels That usually works quite well. Hope it helps.. V
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