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Everything posted by ImInHeels

  1. Wow - it has been ages since I last posted. Sadly I'm not much further down the line, however I have been going out at night more often in the heels in my previous post as well as the following ones attached. The first pair with the chunky heel click very loudly! They are also very high at over 4.5" tall. The second black pair i've worn out for the first time tonight, on a walk home from my car! I can't believe how much they click!
  2. I got them from New Look. I'm not sure if i'd want to wear them in the daytime. At least not locally, maybe a somewhere further afield.
  3. I've not been around here much recently. Hardly done any heeling. However i recently got a new pair. I've only worn them out at night, but for some reason I really like them. The first time i saw these kinds of heels i really didn't like them. however now i do like them. They are High Heeled Trainers. So look like trainers, have a nice 4" heel, big blocky heal made of rubber (so no clicking sound). I hope to get my courage up with several night walks in them.
  4. Well for the first time in ages (many months (over 6)) i decided to go for a walk in my wedges. I park my car about a 7-8 min walk away from where i live. I was going to walk there in my heels but decided to walk to the car in my trainers, and then walk back in my heels. I almost chickened out, however i put them on and thought its not good been see hanging around a carpark i will walk towards the main well lit road, thinking i could always turn around, however in the end i did walk all the way home. hope i can do this more often.
  5. only a short flight away to london. I should be there again in a few weeks, however i wont get much time to play sadly. The other thing that is putting me off is I'm at "" consultant and therefore work with a lot of clients, the last thing i want is clients having a problem with me and not getting work :grin:. (Its the kind of think you would hope wouldn't be a problem, and you never know how people will react). But these things are all there to be overcome. Hopefully one day.
  6. Thanks FF2 I just can't bring myself to ware them out yet, I would love (even if it was just out in private no party's or nights out) to get to walk for a while in a nice pair stilettos. It would be great if i had the guts to wear them every day. and be able to pull the look off. I live on an island, which makes it worse. there is no town where no-one knows me (we do have population of over 80,000 people) so its not that small but small enough.
  7. Yea Ive had a few dreams, they are all pretty much the same, where I'm the only one who notices, and generally start looking for a "way out" before anyone else notices, but i always carryon. Got to admit I'm always :grin: after a dream like that. Just need to get my self around do actually doing something about it.
  8. Last night i was out in a 4" pair of heels with my friends, enjoying the local night life, no one even batting an eyelid. The whole night i was nervous due to my footwear but carried on anyway later on in the night i saw a female friend of mine i haven't seen in a while, as she's been away. I decided to keep my distance because i didn't want her to see me in heels (not yet anyway). In all fairness she has an amazing collection of heels :grin:. Shortly after i woke up, its been the best dream i have had in a long time, and i hope someday to have the courage to actually make this dream come true.
  9. Hey, Not sure where to start. Im 24 from the uk, and trying to get the courage to ware some nice stiletto heels out. Which i still cant bring myself to do, even at night when there is almost no one around. 2 times now i have been out in a wedge style shoe (these were black, all-be it a shiny black you wouldn't see on a guys shoes. Both these walks were about a mile. (these shoes were over 4") however they looked a little like trainers with my jeans on i'll leave it there for now ImInHeels
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