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Posts posted by DandyDude

  1. Well, I think that'd be "balancing on the ledge" between masculinity and feminity. I call this "a man dressed as a woman who's dressed as a man" :-D So... No "true en femme mode", fake breasts, wigs etc., just some stereotypically feminine items, but with keeping my identity :).

    What does "binary" about this context? One's femaleness or maleness has nothing to do with what clothing you wear. The makeup and bag idea, that's not "drag." If makeup and a handbag are "feminine," then wouldn't ANYTHING worn by a man that has somehow gotten associated with women over the years be "feminine," including heels?

  2. Hey Dandy

    Great idea, but what to call it? We have the Critique section for shoes, maybe something like "Outfit critique - Pull yourself together"?

    Sorry for morging your posts, I'm a neat freak...

    Okay, I tied two catagories in the forum post, and you tied two of my posts together. Alright.

    Why not call it that? Interestingly enough, I think we have to emulate the women, but in a masculine way. Imitate the women's forums in that way, but keep it strictly to men discussing their MALE styles. Like, how does this pair of spray-ons look with these stiletto ankle boots? That sort of thing. Have a coffee-clatch thing going on.

    Good board. :-D

  3. "United, we stand....?"

    Does it really matter so much WHY we want the shoes, or is it more important that we have a common interest in making them easily available?


    John, please forgive me for jumping in like this, but there are sound reasons for what Admin and Nigel said about the slant of this board being a certain way.

    Trust me.:)

    Count me in for heels4men:wink: !!

    A forum on mixing and matching footwear and attire would be good. You see too many pictures of men in ratty tshirts and denim wearing heels. Not in a sort of style way, but in a more "The heels are enough, I don't care what I look like otherwise!" kind of way. Kinda frightened.

    Why not a forum on how to adapt your freestyling to(or against would be more like it) current trends? Yes, I like to be "myself" as well, but women notice if you are good at putting outfits together. It is okay to bring them up, isn't it? I'm not talking about those who hate us, but those who actually are able to relate to us. I guess I just tied my two catagories together.:-D

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