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  1. Wow Boot Guy, thanks for the valuable input, I really am thankful. Yeah, been looking at some boots for men with the 2.5" heel on Zappos. You got some great advice. True everyone's situation is different. I gave up many things for my wife (video games, living with parents, etc), and CJ, wow I must commend your abilities with those heels. Have you tried those 9" ballet boots, or those 7" stilettos with 3" platforms? I get sore for a week after walking in 3" heels for 30 mins :-D Hope to post a follow-up results in the future. Thank you Thank you Thank you guys! Have a Happy New Years! -Will p.s. one main reason my wife doesn't wear heels is because she doesn't want to appear taller than me. I'm only 5" taller than her, d'oh!
  2. Dear CJ, thank you soo much for your reply, I didn't know anyone cared :-D Yeah I have had bad experiences in the past. Like my sister getting angry at me for trying on her shoes, or my ex-girl who was shocked and scared when I told her I liked to wear high heels. I went to a Payless with my wife before and said "hey should I try on a pair of these heels" but she thought I was nuts. So I kept this secret to myself. But yeah I'll try your advice it sounds helpful. And yes she probably knows I like women wearing heels. Because everytime we pass a shoe store in the mall I try to pull her in but she refuses. Oh well, thanks again -W
  3. Long story short. I'm jealous that women get to wear high heels, and sad my wife seldomly does. She says they're expensive or hurt a lot, or look ugly, plus 101 excuses :-D . I really adore high heels a lot, since a kid . I would really love to try wearing them in public but am too afraid, and I need my wife to acompany me. (that is if she accepts my love affair with heels!) I don't like to hide stuff from my wife, but I definitely know she will flip out when I tell her I like to wear high heels. She's very strict and hard headed. We're happily married for two years. Some of you guys are extremely lucky to have a wife that understands your high heel adoration. So, how would I approach my wife on this? I read a post on another site saying it's best not to tell because she won't understand. If there's any other advice I'll appreciate it. and Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
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