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Lillith Demiurge

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    United States of America
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    Business Owner

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  1. There is no difference between persuasion and manipulation, only the level of intelligence behind the social engineer. An emotional response is what happens when the person doesn't understand the actions of another person. That is why babies and political protesters cry when they do not get what they want. Ah, but if you have a level of understanding about psychology and sociology; if you understand the human condition; than humans become utterly malleable. However, when I say that I am a social engineer, this is not to say that my intentions are nefarious. I focus on macro-level social engineering; essentially changing entire social systems. Let me give you an example: One of the projects that I am working on is to untie the mortal relationship people have with capitalism. With 1% of the people owning 50% of all wealth, it is becoming very clear who the winners of this giant monopoly game are. So what about the losers? What about the people that aren't even given an opportunity to be productive in society? Should they die slowly because they can't make ends meet financially? No. So, as a social engineer, how do I fix this? How do I influence change? Simple. First you understand the reasons why humans got there to begin with. Then you create systems to change it. In this particular case, I have identified dependence as the problem. We depend on government and business to stay alive, to literally supply us with food, water, shelter, etc., but since both of them have failed us in the past, the only option is to promote sovereignty. How do I do this from a social engineering perspective? I create a corporation that sells technology that promotes sovereignty. The people that work there are motivated by greed and a will to survive, but because the corporation is selling sovereignty, the paradigm changes between humans and capitalism. Suddenly, humans aren't going to work anymore to put food on the table; they are producing their own... Macro-level Social Engineering. That is my passion and career.
  2. My name is Lillith Demiurge and I am a social engineer. I also happen to be transgender. I hope that isn't a problem. I joined this forum for a few reasons: I think men should be able to wear what ever they want without raising questions about their sexuality. I have also taken it upon myself to utilise my skills in social engineering to fix the disparities in fashion. I intend to organise a group of people to promote a cause so that I make a change in the fashion industry that benefits everyone.
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